Is important to know that in order to get board on the ferry you first have to take your printed tickets (BOARDING PASS) from the associated with the ferry companies agencies and offices in the ports of departure . I Volos these offices are in the ports entrance or opposite the port exit, in the islands near the port, in Agios Konstantinos near the port while in Evia Kimi and Evia Mantoudi in the port.
The companies SEAJETS and ANES also offer an Online CHECK IN process that you can do yourself after you book your tickets online and receive them in your e-mail or mobile phone. You will then be able to board the ship directly.
Below you will see:
(Superstar Ferry, Iolkos Ferry, Speedboat Superrunner Jet ).
From Volos,
Athens via Evia Mantoudi Kimasi port.
MAGIC SEA FERRIES COMPANY Central Agencies (Flying Cat Catamaran Magic 3).
From Volos.
AEGEAN FLYING DOLPHINS COMPANY Central Agencies (Flying Dolphin Erato).
From Volos.
ANES FERRIES Central Agencies
( Ferry Agios Nektarios )
From Athens via Evia Mantoudi Kimasi port .
( Panorama Ferry )
From Athens via Agios Konstantinos port Fthiotis .
useful travel links
Egnatia Odos: www.egnatia.eu | Aegean Motorway: www.aegeanmotorway.gr | Olympia Street: www.olympiaodos.gr | Attiki Odos: www.aodos.gr
Igoumenitsa Port: www.olig.gr | Patras Port Authority: www.patrasport.gr | Volos Port Authority: www.port-volos.gr
SEAJETS: www.seajets.com | Hellenic Seaways: www.hsw.gr | Blue Star Ferries: www.bluestarferries.gr | SNE Skyros shipping company: www.sne.gr | ANES lines: www.anes.gr | Aegean Speed Lines: www.afd.gr | Super Fast Ferries Greece Italy: www.superfast.com | Minoan Lines Greece Italy: www.minoan.gr | Anek Lines Greece Italy: www.anek.gr | Agoudimos Lines Greece Italy: www.agoudimos-lines.com | Grimaldi Lines Greece Italy: www.grimaldi-lines.com/ | Ventouris Ferries Greece Italy: www.ventouris.gr
TRAINOSE HELLENIC TRAIN: hellenictrain.gr |
KTEL MACEDONIA: www.ktelmacedonia.gr | VOLOS BUS KTEL: www.ktelvolou.gr